Exhibition of Boats and Yachts. Boats, yachts, small watercrafts, jet skis, catamarans, inflatable and glass fiber boats. Boating equipment and spare parts. Engines, outboards, mooring facilities, navigation equipment. Insurance of boats and yachts
Facts & Figures
Date: April 01 - 03, 2011Cycle: once a year
City/Country: Riga, Latvia
Relation Industry sectors:
Sports trade showsShipping trade shows

Riga International Exhibition Centre
TEL+371 67067518
FAX+371 67067510
Venue site: Go
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Organizer of BALTIC BOAT SHOW:

International Exhibition Company BT 1
TEL+371 67065000
FAX+371 67065001
Organizer site: Go
More information about BALTIC BOAT SHOW:
Event Offical site: GoOfficial Email:
Event tools:
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