Chemical & chemico-pharmaceutical raw materials, Engineering & Plants, Manufacturing and processing machinery equipment, instrumentation and materials for the laboratory and process, Testing/control & automation technologies and instrumentation…
Facts & Figures
Date: Oct. 05 - 07, 2011Cycle: every 2 years
City/Country: Milan, Italy
Relation Industry sectors:
Measurement & Testing trade showsPlastics, Rubber trade shows
Advanced Materials trade shows
Laboratory Equipment & Technologies trade shows
Pharmaceuticals & Cosmetology trade shows
Biotechnology trade shows
Chemical Process trade shows
Water Management and Treatment trade shows

Fiera Milano City
TEL+39 (02) 4997 1
FAX+39 (02) 4997 7379
Venue site: Go
Are you looking for hotels in Milan during fair periods?

Organizer of CHEM-MED:

Artenergy Publishing srl
TEL+39 0266306866
FAX+39 0266305510
Organizer site: Go

Fiera Milano Tech
TEL+39 (0)2.3264282
FAX+39 (0)2.3264284
Organizer site: Go
More information about CHEM-MED:
Event Offical site: GoOfficial Email:
Event tools:
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No responsibility is taken for the correctness of this information. Errors and alterations excepted! Fair dates and exhibition sites are subject to change by the respective trade fair organiser.