AAPEX 2014
Automotive Aftermarket Products International Expo
Visitor Profile
Manufacturers, wholesalers, warehouse distributors, jobbers, retailers, independent ser vice providers, technicians, partsstores, manufacturers' reps, exporters, importers and packagers, plus international visitors from 124 countries are the target visitors.In 2011:
59,751 qualified buyers attended AAIW/ AAPEX.
15,056 were international and 44,695 domestic.
In 2010:
51,126 qualified buyers attended AAIW/ AAPEX.
12,106 were international and 39,020 domestic.
90% made buying decisions/recommendations.
90% buy for up to 10 locations (domestic).
24,000 were top management.
64% of international buyers make direct U.S. purchases.
Event tools:
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